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David Ben Gurion : ---- " If you believe in ISRAEL, you can't call yourself - ATHEIST "!... "In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles" ... Ada,this one is for you!... "The knowledge of how to FEAR what ought to be feared and how not to FEAR what ought not to be feared is called - COURAGE"... "Anyone who believes you can't change HISTORY has never tried to write his MEMORIES"... "I don't know what the people WANT ! All I know is what they NEED"... " Well done, now give it back to them." ( Spoken to Louis Nir in June 1967, after his unit captured Hebron in the Six-Day War )... "UM - SHMUM" ( The UN - Bla Bla Bla ! ) ... "If an expert says it can't be done, get another expert"...
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chosen People control the world!

Most Of the World’s Problems Result From a Plot Aimed at
“Letting the ‘Chosen People’ Control… the World”
“Awaken, Bosnia!!!  It is time to fight for the life of our nation and the survival of our race

The Bosanski Pokret Nacionalnog Ponosa (Bosnian National Pride Movement), founded about two years ago, describes itself as a National Socialist (Nazi) movement championing white supremacy and Bosnian national revival. What differentiates the BPNP from other European neo-Nazi groups is that it was founded by, and is intended for, Muslim Bosnians – as evident from its spheres of operation, which are listed on its website. [1] Indeed, the site states that 95% of the group’s members are Muslim (though this is not a mandatory requirement for membership). The website also reveals that the group celebrates the Muslim-Nazi alliance during the Second World War: It reveres the Muslims who joined the Nazi war effort, and sees a role model in their leader, then-mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, who from 1941 through 1945 collaborated with the Nazi leadership and the SS.
It should be mentioned that unlike some EU countries, Bosnia does not ban Neo-Nazi groups or the use of Nazi symbols – enabling the organization to operate and circulate its materials with impunity.
This report will review the organization’s ideology, as described on its site.

The Ideology of the BPNP
The BPNP website, which has sections in Bosnian and English, states that the organization’s ideology is based on the doctrine of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, as set out in his manifesto The NAZI-SOZI: Questions and Answers for Nationalist Socialists (1932). A section on the site is features the “Ten Commandments for National Socialists,” which is part of this manifesto, adapted for the current circumstances in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Another section on the site, headed “BNPM Attitudes,” stresses Bosnian nationalism and lists the ideologies the group rejects, which include communism, capitalism, Islamism and also Zionism, which, according to the site, is striving for world domination. The section, written in English, states:
“We are against alliances and unions whose purpose is establishment and protection of the new world order (EU as continental union and NATO as a global army). Bosnia must be a free nation with its own army which is always ready to defend the country’s sovereignty, [and which] opposes [the] globalization policy which is being forced by Zionist structures with just one purpose – [the] creation of one world government which will allow the ‘gray eminence’[2] to rule the world.
“Ideologies that are not welcome in Bosnia are: Zionism, Islamism, communism, capitalism. The only ideology good for us is Bosnian nationalism because it secures national prosperity and social justice…”            
The inclusion of “Islamism” among the rejected ideologies is noteworthy. As mentioned, the site states that 95% of the group’s members are Muslim (the other 5% being Bogomils – members of a Gnostic Christian sect that advocates a return to early Christianity). However, the site also stresses that religious affiliation is irrelevant to membership in the organization, which champions white supremacy, and that the organization does not consider religious clerics and institutions as sources of authority. In fact, it states that Bosnia’s religious establishment, and its leader, the Chief Mufti, lack any legitimacy, for they are tools through which the EU and the international community are destroying the national fabric of Bosnia. In terms of religious sentiments, the organization seems to sympathize with the Creativity Movement, a nontheistic modern religion that many white supremacist groups embrace as “the white man’s religion.”
In addition to rejecting Zionists, communists, capitalists and Islamists, the organization also expresses hostility towards other groups despised by the Nazis, namely homosexuals, gypsies and blacks.
The section titled “literature” features links to texts by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Benito Mussolini, Reinhard Heydrich (a senior commander in the SS and one of the main architects of the Holocaust), and Alfred Rosenberg (a Nazi leader and Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories), as well as articles about the SS and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, literature about the evil influence of the Freemasons, and various texts on race theory and white supremacy.[4] The site’s photo gallery includes images relating to various topics that concern the group, including “BPNP propaganda,” “campaigns,” “enemies,” and Bosnian history.
As for the group’s activities, they seem to be confined, so far, to operating the website, circulating propaganda fliers, spray-painting slogans, and holding clandestine meetings of the group members, who, according to the site, are “very carefully screened.”
Read more HERE

Bosanski Pokret Nacionalnog Ponosa

Jews Vilified by Bosnian-Muslim Neo-Nazi Group

 Members of the Bosnian- Muslim Neo-Nazi Group

A new Bosnian Neo-Nazi group, the Bosanski Pokret Nacionalnog Ponosa (Bosnian National Pride Movement), is increasingly championing anti-Semitism in the country.

Ninety-five percent of its members are Muslim.

“The Jews have immense influence throughout the world—in [the domains of] politics, economy, culture, and religion,” the group writes on its website. “Freedom of speech is granted to a handful of ‘privileged’ politicians, journalists and functionaries that are puppets of the Zionist mechanism.”

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), this group reveres the alliance between Muslims and Nazis during World War II. Bosnia now bans Neo-Nazi groups, as do many other European nations in the wake of the Holocaust.

 Bosanski pokret nacionalnog ponosa je opskurna neonacistička grupa koja na svojoj stranici veliča ratni put Handžar divizije i najavljuje prve konkretne akcije u bosanskohercegovačkim gradovima
Ulice bosanskohercegovačkih gradova uskoro će zasuti leci nacističkog sadržaja, a u prvom udaru biće obuhvaćeni Sarajevo, Zenica, Bihać, Tuzla i Mostar. To će biti prva konkretna akcija Bosanskog pokreta nacionalnog ponosa, kako sebi tepa opskurna neonacistička grupa koja odnedavno ima svoju internet stranicu. Neonacisti tvrde da će to biti tek početak, a onda upozoravaju: a poslije... poslije možemo svašta!
Zašto se divim Hitleru
Stranica Bosanskog pokreta nacionalnog ponosa na mreži se pojavila nedavno, a njen moderator je izvjesni Sauberzweig koji živi u Švedskoj. Nick je preuzeo od SS oficira Karla Gustava Sauberzweiga, vođe zloglasne Handžar divizije, za kojeg naš moderator tvrdi da je bio vrlo dobar i iskusan vojnik iz Prvog svjetskog rata. Sauberzweig je svoju stranicu opremio prigodnim sadržajem, istorijskim dokumentima, fotografijama, audio i video snimcima... Uglavnom je tu skupljeno uobičajeno neonacističko smeće, pamfleti na temu Zašto nacional socijalizam, Zašto se divim Hitleru, U strahu od swastike, Rasa, Država, Nacionalsocijalist... Ono što ovu stranicu čini posebnom, naravno i bizarnom, je njeno usmjerenje na Bošnjake. U tu svrhu skupljena je gomila historijskih falsifikata koji bi trebali potvrditi tezu da Bošnjaci imaju ekskluzivno pravo na Bosnu, kvazinaučna istraživanja koja pokazuju genetsku nadmoć Bošnjaka, također i rasnu superiornost potkrijepljenu razmišljanjima Adolfa Hitlera. Bošnjački neonacisti naveli su i svoje ideološke neprijatelje – cionizam i Jevreje, koje opisuju Goebbelsovim prigodnim tekstom, nacionalne neprijatelje – Srbe, a odjeljak rasnih neprijatelja je još uvijek prazan, ali sumnjam da će njegov sadržaj biti pretjerano originalan.
Posjetioci na ovoj stranici mogu dobiti i zanimljive savjete poput usputstva za dobijanje aktraktivne neonacističke frizure, ali i savjeta kako korisno utrošiti slobodno vrijeme:
- Čitanje i pisanje treba da u potpunosti odvoje pravog Nacional Socijalistu od gledanja televizije. Nema ničeg što je vrijedno pažnje da pravi Nacional Socijalista nađe nešto interesantno, osim dokumentarca ili nekog starog vesterna u kasne sate.
Posebno strastveno Sauberzweig je prikupio dokumentaciju o Handžar diviziji. Pripremio je istoriju jedinice, njene borbene karakteristike, propagandne plakate, uzorke uniformi, oružja, fotografije sa regrutacije, uspomene sa prvih postrojavanja, borbi, izleta i praznika. S vidnim ponosom ističe se da je Himmler gajio nježne osjećaje prema ovoj jedinici. Tu je i poseban tekst o izvjesnom Halidu Komiću koji je, navodno, prije nego što je uočio rahatluk SS formacija, bio komandant 8. Krajiške partizanke brigade, pa poručuje svojim bivšim suborcima: U Njemačkoj vlada mir i red. Svako radi, svako ima da jede. Cijene su niske i službeno utvrđene, tako da svako može izići na kraj.
Stranica ima i svoj forum, ali svaki član mora prije učešća odgovoriti na nekoliko pitanja kako bi administratori stekli bolju sliku o njima. Zanima ih nacionalna i religijska pripadnost, koga budući članovi smatraju za saveznike, a tu su i pitanja duhovne naravi poput koja je najbitnija dužnost individue u životu ili koji je najviši autoritet koji priznajete.
Na čelu svastika 
Nakon toga namjernik može pristupiti forumu na kojem, za sada malobrojni članovi, razgovaraju o pitanjima pokreta u domovini i dijaspori, razmatraju mogućnost formiranja odgovarajuće desničarske stranke, pitaju se koja junačina stoji iza nedavnog ispisivanja nacističkih grafita u zgradi televizije... Posebno zanimljiva je diskusija na forumu Mjere za zaštitu domovine, na temu referenduma u RS. Moderator pita da li bi u tom slučaju došlo do rata u BiH, a forumaš pod nickom bošnjački nacionalist odgovara da bi odmah trebalo formirati paravojnu formaciju koju ovako opisuje:
- Paravojna u smislu da nećemo nikome dati potpunu vlast nad nama. Ići ćemo najviše na svoju ruku. 
 . jednoj ruci drugoj grb čelu svastika hahahahah
Zveckanje oružja odjekuje ovom stranicom, a Sauberzweig je pripremio i posebno upustvo kako pomoći novosnovanom pokretu. Za sada će se najviše bazirati na internet akcijama, preporučivanju stranice, reklamiranju na raznim chatovima, postavljanju linkova na stranicama, a Sauberzweig savjetuje: Kada se nalazite na stranicama koje nisu NS ili koje ne simpatiziraju našu ideologiju, možete ostavljati naš link pod izgovorom da podržavate slobodu mišljenja i govora. Lične akcije koje se, za sada, preporučuju svode se na širenje propagande pomoću raznih letaka i na minimiziranje propagande neprijatelja (antifašista, komunista, islamista...) U slučaju sukoba s policijom Sauberzweig ima odgovarajući savjet: - Ako dođe do Policijske intervencije, sjetite se magične rečenice koja je svim našim aktivistima pomogla mnogo puta "bez komentara". Policija vam ne smije pretraživati stan bez sudskog naloga. Kako već rekosmo, stranica Bosanskog pokreta nacionalnog ponosa pripada mračnom dijelu mreže, u kojem se gura sa pedofilskim sadržajima. Čak i nakon samo površnog pregleda stranice može se jasno uočiti da se radi o opskurnoj grupici sociopata, pa smo dugo razmatrali da li da im uopšte dajemo bilo kakav publicitet. Ali, opreza nikada nije dovoljno kada pošten čovjek ima posla sa ovakvim šljamom. Jer, izuzetno neugodno odzvanja rečenica a poslije... poslije možemo svašta! Njeno odgonetanje ostavićemo nadležnim institucijama.

BPNS manifest: Sve u rukama Bošnjaka
   - Bosanski pokret nacionalnog ponosa se zalaže za uspostavljanje nacionalne sekularne države Bošnjaka shodno europskoj praksi gdje svaka nacija ima pravo na vlastitu državu. Takvo pravo je, uostalom, potvrđeno historijom Bosne starom preko 1 000 godina i historijom naroda Bošnjaka na njenom području. Bosna i Bošnjaci su jedno tijelo povezano našom krvlju i slavom naših pradjedova. Prema tome, Bosna je prvenstveno država Bošnjaka ali i svih ostalih građana koji su joj odani.     
- Pripadnikom jedinog državotvornog naroda Bošnjaka ili Bosanaca smatramo svakog bijelog stanovnika Bosne koji joj je odan bez obzira na religijsku i podrasnu pripadnost.     Prema tome odbacujemo vezanje Bošnjaka za samo jedan religijski identitet što se pokazalo štetnim za naš nacionalni razvoj i dignitet.     
- Simbol Bosne je grb sa šest zlatnih ljiljana bosanskog kralja Tvrtka I Kotromanića. To je ujedno i simbol odbrane Bosne u ratu 1992-1995 i svaki pokušaj ponižavanja i degradiranja svetog bosanskog grba je direktni napad na nacionalni integritet Bosne i naš nacionalni ponos.     Svi simboli koji veličaju neku drugu naciju ili ideologiju nauštrb Bosne su neprijateljski i u društvu kakvo mi zagovaramo takva obilježja bi bila strogo zabranjena.     
- Pokret u ovom trenutku svoje djelovanje ograničava na sadašnje granice Bosne a s vremenom će nastojati da se izmiri historijska nepravda i da se obnove granice iz doba kraljevine kada je naša zemlja bila najjača balkanska država.     
- Bosanski jezik, kao nacionalni jezik Bošnjaka, treba i mora biti jedini službeni jezik u Bosni.     
- Sve nekretnine u Bosni moraju biti u rukama Bošnjaka. To je jedini način za uspostavljanje ekonomski snažne nacije. Bosna mora pripadati Bošnjacima u svakom smislu- ekonomskom i nacionalnom. Radnička klasa kao stub ekonomskog prosperiteta mora imati dostojanstven život i biti zaštićena od eksploatacije. Svi koji doprinose prosperitetu  nacije su samim sistemom povlašteni u odnosu na one koji žele uzimati a ne davati ništa zazvrat.     
- Naziv Bosna i Hercegovina  je neprihvatljiv jer je nastao kao simbol izdaje bošnjačkog nacionalnog ustanka Zmaja od Bosne od strane hercegovačkih velikaša i nastao je kao ustupak Otomanske imperije istim. Hercegovina ( Hum) nikada nije bila zasebna država ,niti u rangu sa Bosnom, već je uvijek bila sastavu Bosne a mi kao nacionalno svijesni Bošnjaci slijedimo takvu historijsku tradiciju i i odbijamo da slijedimo politiku nacionalnog razbijanja Bosne i Bošnjaka.     
- BPNP se protivi ulasku Bosne u saveze i unije koje služe za uspostavljanje i zaštitu  novog svjetskog poretka  kao što su EU ( kontinentalna unija) i NATO pakt ( svjetska armija).    
- Bosna mora biti slobodna država sa svojom vojskom koja je uvijek spremna za branjenje nacionalnog suvereniteta zemlje što se kosi sa politikom globalizacije koju provode cionističke strukture sa ciljem uspostavljanja jedne svjetske vlade tj. poretka u kojem će „siva eminencija“ vladati svijetom.     
- Odbacujemo praksu slavljenja zvaničnog Dana državnosti 25. novembra jer je ona  nastala praćenjem politike komadanja Bosne između tri kvazi-etničke zajednice ( Srbi, Hrvati, Muslimani ). Dan državnosti kojeg mi promovišemo je 29. august - datum izdavanja povelje bosanskog bana Kulina koja je ujedno i najstariji bosanski državni akt i najstariji državni dokument u granicama južnoslavenskog govornog područja.     
- Ideologije koju su nepoželjne u našoj Bosni su: cionizam, komunizam, kapitalizam i islamizam. Svaka od tih ideologija zahtijeva vlastiti državni ustroj što je sa nacionalnog stajališta neprihvatljivo i šteti prosperitetu Bošnjaka. Jedina  ideologija koja je potrebna kako bi se  Bosna spasila je bosanski nacionalizam i to je jedina ideologija koja svojim načelima vodi ka napretku u svim mogućim segmentima počevši od nacionalnog napretka do socijalne pravde.     
- Temelj zdrave nacije je porodica i upravo zbog te činjenice naša borba je dijelom usmjerena na uništenje svih  aspekata društva koji svojim nemoralnim djelovanjem ruše familijarne vrijednosti.  U tu grupu spadaju mediji i razne grupacije koje u svom programu nude  promiskuitetno ponašanje uključujući razne  seksualne perverzije i bolesti tipa homoseksualnosti. Bosanski čovjek i žena moraju  postati oličenje moralne čistoće zato je odstranjivanje zaraženih elemenata iz našeg društva jedan od primarnih zadataka. Razvrgavanje porodičnih veza nije poželjno ali nije zabranjeno jer u normalnom društvu sreća nacije se temelji na sreći pojedinca.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Hitler on his soap box...

Via - Walid Shoebat  

Hitler being used to sell Shampoo in Turkey

It’s an insane world when the same left that is outraged when Rush Limbaugh calls Sandra Fluke a “slut” is conspicuously silent when Hitler is used to sell shampoo in Turkey.
Via Der Spiegel:
A Turkish cosmetics company is under fire for featuring Adolf Hitler in a television advert for men’s shampoo, but it continues to run on the country’s state television network despite widespread outrage.
The 12-second commercial shows black-and-white footage of Hitler delivering an impassioned speech, dubbed with a high-pitched voice screaming the following words in clipped Turkish:
“Why are you using woman’s shampoo if you’re not wearing a woman’s dress?
Now there’s the hundred percent men’s shampoo Biomen. A real man uses Biomen.”
Put simply, there is no way to spin this. The truth (yes, it’s a concept foreign to so many these days) is that Hitler is immensely popular in Turkey. Mein Kampf has been flying off the shelves for years there. The reason he’s used in this ad is the same reason popular celebrities are used to sell ads in the United States. If someone who is revered endorses a product, that person is connected to the product. Therefore, if someone who is revered is connected to a product, the value of that product rises.
As we’ve been saying for years now, Turkey is ground zero for the evil that is about to befall the world and here is the latest exhibit…

"This video is just the latest example of the use of Holocaust imagery in some countries to sell commercial products, which has contributed to the trivialization of and desensitization to the unparalleled horrors of the Holocaust," 
ADL National Director Abraham Foxman said.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How do you say "Kussit" in English?  Thank you Will!

This is not a Joke - Mr AOW!
  Alexander Münch said...

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson went camping in the forest. After a good dinner and a bottle of wine, they went to sleep in the tent.
Several hours later, Holmes awoke and nudged his faithful friend, Watson.
"Look at the sky and tell me what you see."
Watson answered: "I see millions and millions of stars."
"And what does that tell you?"
Watson thought a minute and answered: "Astronomically, that tells me that there are potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I see that Saturn is in Leo. Chronologically, I deduce that it is approximately three ten AM. Theologically, I see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically I suspect that we shall have a beautiful day tomorrow."
Holmes was quiet for a minute and then said:
"Watson, you are an idiot. Someone stole our tent."


  Blogger "Z" said...
Mr. Munch, I think somebody's stolen OUR tent when WE weren't looking, right?
I want my country back!
I'm sure this country's never been more racially divided since Obama...remember when he was going to make everything better? ptui 
great painting, Mr. AOW....what a very sad realization that the content is so true.
   Blogger Alexander Münch said... 
Dear "Z",
1 - Always call me Alex... Please!
2 - You are not alone whose country was stolen!
I'm screaming my lungs out for years - "They stole me my country!"
A&J, (my twins) :- "You are an old crazy man! Who are 'THEY'?

The 'Penguins'! The Tycoons! The misfit opportunists in the Knesset! I shout back.
For whom/what are you going to vote for the second time in your life? I asked.

"We don't know!" - says [A], the Twin's spokesperson... 
... BTW, how do you say "Kussit" in English?...
I forgive them, coz they passed the Psychometric Exams with 700 points...

Friday, March 23, 2012

No wisteling and no CATS! (Only)

Nazis? Ok! But Muslims!

The attack on the rue Copernic, Paris XVI, in October 1980.
The attack on the rue Copernic, Paris
16, October 1980.
Synagogues and schools burned, assaulted students or religious ... 
In recent years, several Jewish institutions were under attack.
March 19, 2012 Otzar Hatorah college-high school  -Toulouse, a killer on scooter opened fire, killing four people including three children, and seriously injured teenager.
September 8, 2009: Fire bomb, launched against a Jewish school in Marseille, causing damage.
January 5, 2009: a car, thrown against the gate of a synagogue in Toulouse, is burned.
April 19, 2007: Rabbi of the Nord-Pas de Calais, Elie Dahan, was beaten by a young man.
May 25, 2005: 3 bottles of hydrochloric acid threwen on a Jewish school in the 18th district in Paris.
November 15, 2003: Jewish school was devastated by fire in Gagny .
A police investigation through the rubble in the Jewish school totally destroyed by fire in Gagny, November 15, 2003.
Jewish school totally destroyed by fire in Gagny,
November 15, 2003.

October 17, 2003: Rabbi Michel Tzarfaty was hit in the face in Ris-Orangis.
July 8, 2003: Students of Chabad school in Paris attacked with iron bars.
March 22, 2003: Two members of the Hashomer Hatzair movement assaulted in Paris (III).
April 10, 2002: School bus stoned in rue Piat, Paris (XX), a student was slightly injured.
April 10, 2002: Fourteen players from the Maccabi Association were attacked in Bondy, with blows from sticks and bars.
April 1, 2002: Gold Aviv synagogue in Marseille was destroyed by Molotov cocktails. 
December 31, 2001: A class in Otzar Hatorah school in Creteil is destroyed by arson.
September 8, 1995: 14 wounded in explosion of a car bomb in front of the Jewish School of Lyon Villeurbanne (Rhône)
March 29, 1985:  18 wounded in an explosion in The Rivoli Beaubourg cinema Paris, at the International Festival of Jewish Film.
September 17, 1982: An Israeli diplomat was seriously injured (+ 51 wounded) by car bomb, in Cardinet street 17th district Paris. The attack, claimed by the Lebanese Armed Revolutionary Fraction.
August 9, 1982: Rue des Rosiers, Paris IV, a squad of five men opened fire and threw grenades into the Goldenberg restaurant: six killed and 22 wounded. This is the worst anti-Semitic attack in France since the Liberation. 
Firefighters tend to a wounded (G) August 9, 1982 inside the deli Jo Goldenberg, rue des Rosiers in the heart of the old Jewish quarter in Paris.
Jo Goldenberg deli , rue des Rosiers - Paris.
August 9, 1982 
April 3, 1982: Avenue Ferdinand Buisson, Paris XVI, the Israeli diplomat Yacov Barsimantov was murdered in his apartment.
October 3, 1980: rue Copernic, Paris XVI, a bomb in the bag of a motorcycle exploded outside the synagogue - four dead and nine wounded.
March 27, 1979: Street Medicis, Paris VI, an 33 Israelis injured by explosion in a building, after the signing of the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.
May 20, 1978: at Orly airport, three men opened fire in the lounge of El Al, killing four and wounding five. Attack claimed by an unknown Lebanese organization "The sons of Lebanon." 
Police intervention at Orly, 20 May 1978.
Police intervention at Orly,
20 May 1978.  

Thank you my friend!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finito - Finito!

Muhammad Merah - Finito!

You are not Welcome!

Many Israelis Travel abroad during Passover, and as every year - there are places better not to visit.

Anti Terrorism Bureau calls on Israelis not to visit Turkey and Egypt... (160,000...) coz of fear of attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets.

( Here goes the peace - piece by piece!  Does anyone of you out there, remember how painful and difficult was the road to get there? )

There is severe travel warning to southern Thailand, the coast of Kenya and northern Nigeria, which is defined "very high and concrete threat"


Advice to those millions of Egyptian pilgrims... visiting Jerusalem annually... 

postpone your plans! Don't even join the "Global March to the Jerusalem" organized by the Ayatolla for March 30 2012!...

You are not welcome!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Socialist rival for the presidency Francois Hollande were due to attend a memorial ceremony for the slain soldiers in Montauban later Wednesday.

Commentaire de la part de greenbird  
The shocking events blur the question that will soon emerge: what impact will this have on the election process - swing to the right?

Commentaire de la part de Jason Paris  
Great achievement by the French Police? Mon Dieu. Please someone remind me how many innocent people are dead.
Reports saying neighbours in building under siege in Toulouse are being taken out of their apartments by way of fire ladders.

Commentaire de la part de Guest  
I hope one man's madness does not create further tensions between different cultures and religions in Toulouse. An Australian living in Toulouse

Commentaire de la part de Aussie Guest  
They better get him alive. The victims deserve justice!

Commentaire de la part de Alan from Jakarta  
Great achievement by the French Police? A GREAT achievement would have been to have stopped this madman in the first place.
Interior Minister Claude Gueant says French intelligence tracked shooting suspect for years

Commentaire de la part de Guest  
Great achievement by the French Police! Very sad my thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones
Israel begins burying victims of French shooting. For full AFP news wire click here.

Commentaire de la part de Jerusalem  
crying here
French Interior Minister Claude Gueant says shootings suspect has stopped speaking to police negotiator.
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Muslim and French leaders urged French people not to confuse Islam with the killing of French soldiers in Montauban and Jewish school children in Toulouse. After a meeting with President Nicolas Sarkozy, Richard Prasquier, head of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France said it was wrong to group together Jihadist Islam and Islam as it is practiced in France. He was flanked by Mohammed Moussaoui, President of the French Muslim Council.
Correction: the statement was made by Mohammed Moussaoui, President of the French Muslim Council

Dalil Boubakeur, the rector of Paris Grand Mosque has told press that “shooter's acts contradict Islam”.

Commentaire de la part de robbo  
Good luck in Toulouse, hope it ends without further bloodshed
Speaking to FRANCE 24, correspondent Phoebe Greenwood in Jerusalem said the former chief rabbi of southern city of Nice, and who now lived in Israel, had this message for French Jews: “Your place is now in Israel”

Commentaire de la part de Vika  
"Home grown terorrism" hit Britain with 7/7 bombings. Will be interesting to see how France reacts as a country to its own home grown terrorist. Will the spiltsin society grow wider?
A recap of events:

- Around 300 police officers, including some from elite units, have surrounded the home of the main suspect of the deadly shootings in Montauban and Toulouse, which claimed the lives of three soldiers, three Jewish school children and a Rabbi. The siege, which started at 3am on Wednesday, is unfolding in a residential neighbourhood in the southern city of Toulouse.

-Claunde Gueant said the trapped suspect said his actions were in response to a French law banning the wearing of the full Muslim veil in public and France’s military involvement in Afghanistan. He said he was acting in coordination with the al Qaeda network.

-AFP has reported that the man’s name was Mohammed Merah. He is a 24-year-old French national of Algerian background. Police have told reporters that the suspect said he would give himself up this afternoon.

Commentaire de la part de Guest  
I was on the waiting end of a few sieges in Iraq and it CAN be tedious work and long periods of nothing. But when it goes hot, things happen very, very fast!
More from Bockman in Toulouse:
"There was a detonator set off by police about 45 minutes ago. [Suspect] is on ground floor. Neighbours who live above him are frightened but can't evacuate."

"Allegations that the suspect had dropped a gun out of his window are unconfirmed. Earlier three police left the scene in ambulances after gunshots."
Correspondent Christopher Bockman reporting on the scene of siege tells FRANCE 24 that suspect has told police he is ready to give himself up but only after lunch.

“The situation is not tense at the moment. It’s a wait-and-see game.”
Father of a 22yo accountant living in the 4-storey block of flats said his son was still inside and police were guarding the stairwell [via Twitter]

Commentaire de la part de Chuck D  
We have to question motives here, it's the elementary step to working out what this is all about. Without motives we're looking for a needle in a haystack, stabbing in the dark as it were.
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Commentaire de la part de intelcurio  
Following from Canada
More on the suspect’s previous arrest in Afghanistan: AFP reporting that the man was arrested on a matter of common law in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar.
Police spokesman tells me suspect took scooter to garage. And garage then called police. [via Twitter]
Nobody has been taken to an ambulance. All quiet again in this siege. If gunman intends to give up as Interior Minister says, why not now? [via Twitter]
@ Paul in Jerusalem: A funeral service is scheduled today at 3pm at the Montauban Cathedral for Abel Chennouf, one of the three paratroopers killed by a shooter last Thursday. Chennouf was a practicing Roman Catholic.

Commentaire de la part de Paul in Jerusalem  
Do you have any information on the funerals or the two French soldiers? I heard that they are also being buried today.
Jean-Claude Souléry, editor in chief of local Toulouse newspaper la Dépêche du Midi says: "A great sense of relief dominates in Toulouse today, as everyone finds out that the alleged offender [of school shootings] is currently surrounded by police."
Image of funerals underway in Israel for the four victims of the shooting in Toulouse on Monday.

Commentaire de la part de Finland  
Of course they want him alive, otherwise the blame of his actions will set to a larger sight than this one person.

The suspect's name is Mohammed Merah, the AFP news agency is reporting, citing a source close to the investigation. He is a French national of Algerian background, AFP said.

Commentaire de la part de Guest  
Shooter "intends to surrender this afternoon". Wow. Surely he doesn't think the police will all go have a coffee and come back when he's ready to surrender.
Interior Minister Claude Gueant says police want to take the suspect alive.

Commentaire de la part de JVG  
Following from Spain
man called France 24 newsroom saying he’s behind Toulouse Montauban attacks, told us videos of all killings will be online @ebbaf24 #grim [via Twitter]

Commentaire de la part de Guest  
Following from Finland
France Info radio quoting a neighbour who says that the gas into the building has been cut.

Commentaire de la part de Aussie Guest  
Following from Australia
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President Nicolas Sarkozy is scheduled to meet with different religious leaders at 10am. He will make a statement to the press after that meeting.
Multiple reports now saying that two or three gun shots were heard at the sight of the raid around 9am.
The AFP news agency is reporting that the funeral for French attack victims at the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse has started in Jerusalem.

Earlier the bodies of 30-year-old Rabbi Jonathan Sandler, his sons Arieh, 5, and Gabriel, 4, and seven-year-old Miriam Monsonego arrived at Ben Gurion international airport near Tel Aviv. Click here for that story.
#Toulouse suspect has thrown a weapon from the window and intends to surrender this afternoon: French Interior Minister. @France24_en [via Twitter]

Commentaire de la part de Robin  
I hope they are smart enough to disconnect the internet to the building. I can imagine he is making an online statement and uploading the video's.
Reports saying that Interior Minister Claude Gueant has said that the suspect plans to surrender this afternoon.
Testimony from one of the shooting suspect’s neighbours aired on  
France Info radio: “They need to get us out of here. 
No one has come to help us, no one has called us. 
We don’t know what is going on. We hear gunfire, 
and people talking to [the suspect]. 
He does not want to give up but someone needs to get us out of here!”
Shots just heard Toulouse siege [via Twitter]